Saturday, October 4, 2014

New update, Joined the Hack Factory, bit of progress made.


It has been quite a while since my last post here. And I finally have an update.

So I joined the Hack Factory on wednesday. This place is great. They have a massive woodshop along with all the tools I suspect I will need to continue to work on my gurdy.

My only real progress today was making a jig for the glueing and bending of the back of the gurdy. I also cut it out a bit! I also familiarised myself with the gurdy and the parts. It has been a bit more than a year since I last worked on this.

Photos from today!

This is the space

My work table

The ribs placed where they will be at the end, also shown is the shaft and crank.

These pictures show all the pieces of the gurdy placed sort of where they will go.

The back before and after cutting it. Terrifying to do, it will be more so to actually glue it into place.


  1. Any recent progress on your gurdy build? I am thinking about building the same design and had a few questions.

  2. los cojinetes del eje de la rueda no van como están situados en las fotos. Estos van situados en la popa y en la tercera cuaderna. La segunda cuaderna, el alma, no la debe rozar ni apoyarse en ella pues se transmitiría más ruido.
